
ENMU的艺术营, 设计之夏, 是为小学设计的, 中间, 高中生(3-12年级)

Our next art camp will be taking place Monday, June 3 through Thursday, June 6, from 9 a.m. 到5点.m.

  • The 设计之夏 Day Camp option includes 午餐, 艺术材料, 指令, 还有一件t恤,175美元.
  • The 设计之夏 Residence Hall option - for high school students only - includes a four-night stay (Sunday through Wednesday evenings) in a residence hall, 早餐, 午餐, 晚餐, 艺术材料, 指令, 一件t恤300美元.

